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Christmas Bird Count 2021

Christmas Bird Count

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

7:30 - dusk - You can either bird in the field or at your feeder.

We have had to cancel the wrap-up dinner at Xplore DeSoto Restaurant on Wednesday evening. The emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid plus a lack of sign-ups causes the need to do this. Hopefully, we will back to normal next year with LOTS of sign-ups for both field and feeder counting AND the dinner.

Chris Cash, CBC Chairperson


CBC Guidelines


If you are interested in participating in the HSV Audubon Society CBC this year, please read the following BEFORE you complete the Sign-up Sheet or sign up on our website.

HSV Audubon Society will have a Christmas Bird Count this year, barring any unforeseen COVID-19 rise. It will be a bit different from past counts. Because of COVID-19, we must run a safe and socially distanced CBC, adhering to national Audubon guidelines plus local and municipal guidelines. There will be a CBC dinner for compilation – if the current guidelines remain in effect. You must be fully vaccinated to attend.

The CBC will be held Tuesday, December 14 th from approximately 7:30am to dusk. We will be doing a field count and a feeder count. We will not reschedule the field count in the event of inclement weather.

The dinner will be at the Xplore DeSoto on Wednesday, December 15 starting at 5pm. Menu will include a choice of Grilled Chicken Caprese, Grilled Corvina or a Vegetarian Mushroom Dish. Salad and dessert are included. The cost is $23/person which includes gratuity and taxes. As usual, there will be a cash bar.

Field teams will be limited to 4-5 people. Masking is required if social distancing is not possible while in the field. Carpooling may only occur within existing familiar or social “pod” groups – that is groups with whom you frequently associate. If this is a problem, please sign up for feeder birding.

If more members sign up than can be accommodated in the field groups, you will be asked to do feeder birding. Preference for inclusion in field groups will be given to members who can bird all day, not just certain hours. Feeder birders, as usual, can pick the hours they bird. I strongly suggest giving feeder birding a try if you have any concerns about COVID and field birding!!

Though this year will be more difficult than in the past, we can still have a fun and successful CBC with everyones cooperation. Please contact Chris Cash at if you have questions.


SORRY - No More Sign-Ups


Sign-ups are closed for 2021 - SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!

Earlier Event: December 9
December Program
Later Event: January 13
Creating a Bird-Friendly Yard